TANAMERA Postnatal Care Set
Our skin is alive and is the largest organ of our body. Anything that we apply on our skin is absorbed and processed by the various systems within our body. This is the foundation how our natural products help to strengthen and fortify new mother’s healing in a shorter time.
TANAMERA postnatal care set contains 10 products that :
- Are formulated based on traditional Malay, Chinese and Ayurvedic postnatal treatments to provide a natural solution for new mother’s body to heal from the inside-out in a balanced manner, hormonally and physically.
- Are made from plant-based 100% natural ingredients with emphasis on the use of tropical herbs and essential oils, with no artificial coloring, fragrance, preservative, toxic chemical nor ‘jamu’ which are harmful to babies.
- Are designed to provide care during pregnancy to help prepare for smoother delivery, and care during confinement to help new mothers rest, recover and rejuvenate to prepregnancy body and shape, in the shortest time possible.
- Are breastfeeding friendly and with aromatherapy effect to calm and soothe new mothers to faster recovery.
TANAMERA postnatal care set is retailed at RM335 in West Malaysia and RM355 in East Malaysia, including postage.
Each Tanamera Postnatal Care Set has 10 products to help new mothers recover and rejuvenate, in the shortest time possible
1. Minyak kelapa dara/VCO
2. Sabun Scrub
3. Minyak urut herba
4. Herba pembersih wanita
5. Herba Mandian
6. Firming herbal blend paste/tapel
7. Bengkung
8. Herbal Tea
9. Calming belnd paste/Pilis
10. Boreh Body Scrub/Lulur badan herba
TANAMERA postnatal care set is retailed at RM335 in West Malaysia and RM355 in East Malaysia, including postage!
My phone :019-7553176
For detail benefit of each products and usage guide, lets find at